President Obama is “hostile” and “disdainful” of Christianity. That’s according to Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. Perkins told Dr. James Dobson, president of Focus on the Family, in a broadcast last week that he believes Obama has used his position as a bully pulpit that has “created an atmosphere that is hostile toward Christianity.”
A group of millionaires arrived in Washington on Wednesday to lobby Capitol Hill into mandating higher taxes for the upper class. The group of about two dozen, titled Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength (PMFS), is urging that Congress make the wealthy one percent of the country pay their “fair share” in taxes.
Society thrives when families stick together, according to several speakers at the second annual Index of Family Belonging and Rejection news conference held Thursday. The event was hosted by the Family Research Council in Washington, DC.
President Obama’s approval rating ranks low compared to those of recent incumbents, a new CNN poll reveals. The poll was released Tuesday and found that Obama’s overall approval rating remains in the mid-40s. As of right now, 46 percent of registered voters approve of the president’s job performance while 52 percent disapprove. Obama has been polling these numbers since mid-summer.
Only one day after the high court decided to hear the case, there is political pressure from both sides of the aisle calling for both Justice Elena Kagan and Clarence Thomas to recuse themselves from a Supreme Court decision on the Obama administration’s health reform law.
New poll numbers show that President Obama has suffered massive erosion in enthusiasm among voters under 30, dropping from 81 percent in November 2008 to 48 percent this month. Young voters, who were crucial to Obama’s election and are even more crucial to his re-election, have unemployment rates sharply higher than the national average.
Most people understand that insider trading is illegal. However, what most people probably aren’t aware of is that Congress is exempt from that law. Senators and congressmen are legally able to trade stock based on the private information they have received from their official positions. According to CBS News’ “60 Minutes” that aired Sunday night, Congress utilizes this power to the best of their ability.
CBS News conspired to marginalize GOP candidate Michele Bachmann during the Republican primary debate Saturday, Bachmann claims. According to Talking Points Memo (TPM), Bachmann announced to reporters in the spin room after the debate that her campaign has proof that the debate sponsor, CBS, had “preplanned to attempt to limit the number of questions [she] was asked on stage.”
Texas Gov. Rick Perry and businessman Herman Cain have one thing in common: they both shot to the top of the GOP presidential polls at lightning fast speed. However, political missteps may hamper both men’s bid for the presidency. While Perry has chosen to try and correct his mistakes with humor, Cain has chosen to go down the road of defiance.
The GOP presidential nomination has come down to three candidates vying for the party’s approval: Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, and Newt Gingrich. While Mitt Romney has been a long-time front-runner candidate, Cain and Gingrich have just recently risen to the top after initially being thought of as long-shot candidates.