7 goals a pastor ought to have in leading a church staff
I fear that too many pastors expect their staff to have their own goals, but the pastors have no goals in how they lead that staff.
I fear that too many pastors expect their staff to have their own goals, but the pastors have no goals in how they lead that staff.
For years, seminary students were more interested in church planting than in working in a church that needs revitalization. That’s changing.
The best ministry leaders I’ve known did these nine things. You can do them too.
Most churches lose the evangelistic passion that marked them in their beginning. Here are some reasons why.
If your longing to get the Gospel to the lost has waned, my goal here is to provide some simple suggestions to re-ignite that passion.
Here’s a pop quiz for pastors and other church leaders.
People will remember how you leave. They’ll forget even the most miraculous works of God to bring you to the church if you leave in a negative way.
Here's what I’ve learned about church membership classes.
Small groups are essential to the health of a church but they can lose purpose and direction. Here's a list of six problems to avoid when leading a church small group.
Even as a professor of evangelism, I have to continually push myself to do evangelism.