Chris Rock Got It... Would You?
Don't make the same mistake Chris made with porn.
Don't make the same mistake Chris made with porn.
The thing about marriage is that it actually provides a framework for you to thrive and flourish, to become your true self rather than someone who is just angling for another score.
Married folks need to be having sex... and great sex at that! So here are seven keys to help you unlock that great sex life.
I got this email today. I get this at least once a month, so thought I would just post it (and note, this is exactly what was written):
I hear women hold sex over a lot of men's head and I just laugh. Just because women aren't as visual as men doesn't mean they don't enjoy sex as much as men.
According to a 2003 Newsweek study, between 15% and 20% of couples are living in a sexless marriage, defined as making love no more than 10 times a year. While sex is not the be-all, end-all to a marriage, it is definitely one of the best ways to maintain intimacy.
I went to see 50 Shades Darker with Jeanette last night in Hollywood.
As I read on YAHOO SPORTS, you know what suddenly became way more exciting than the USC game ... These headlines:
The Barna Group recently released an extensive study about the attitudes of porn in modern America, especially among young people and churchgoers. They surveyed over 3000 people and found that, overall, porn has become more accepted and normalized.
So, you're a man, and you're married. Congratulations! Being married can be awesome and liberating. You get to spend the rest of your life with your best friend and someone who complements you completely — it's tremendous.