Debbie Cohen

Christian Post Contributor

Amy Winehouse Dead: What Happened in Her Final Hours?

Amy Winehouse spent the last week of her short and troubled life in an alcoholic, drug-fueled fog -- which she capped by purchasing a stockpile of powerful narcotics at a London bar just hours before her death, according to reports.

Amy Winehouse Dead: What Happened in Her Final Hours?

Universal Flu Vaccine Coming Within The Next Few Years

A universal flu vaccine that protects against all strains may be available within the next five years, replacing regular annual shots, according to the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

Amy Winehouse Dead: Father Remembers The Good in His Daughter

Amy Winehouse's funeral took place yesterday with a private gathering of family and close friends at Edgwarebury Cemetery in North London. Giving a eulogy her father Mitch spoke to congregants and addressed his beloved daughter’s struggle with drug and alcohol addiction.

Amy Winehouse Dead: Father Remembers The Good in His Daughter

Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund Hits $230K and Brings About Unity

The Leiby Kletzky Memorial Fund is quickly approaching its $1 million dollar goal with a collection of $230,192. The fund was recently established in the memory of the 8-year-old Brooklyn boy who was kidnapped and murdered by a 35-year-old Orthodox man he met walking home from day camp.

Salmonella Outbreak, 97 Cases Reported For Tainted Fruit

An outbreak of Salmonella across 23 states has left 10 people hospitalized and 97 others affected so far. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning to Americans about the outbreak and has identified papayas as the source of the spate of cases.