6 Truths About Transgender 'Bathroom Bills'
Who needs the truth when you make so much "progress" by ignoring the truth and engaging in the very bigotry and name-calling you claim to oppose?
Who needs the truth when you make so much "progress" by ignoring the truth and engaging in the very bigotry and name-calling you claim to oppose?
A liberal Supreme Court is not only a threat to democracy; it's a threat to stability.
How do we fix a world filled with murder, rape, betrayal, adultery, fraud, theft, sexual exploitation, pornography, bullying, abortion, terrorism, cheating, lying, child abuse, racism, assault, drugs, robbery, and countless other evils?
Should Christians ever disobey their government? Some say no. But Kim Davis sides with Martin Luther King and thinks civil disobedience is justified.
It's about 2 a.m. on an August morning in 1979. A beautiful young nurse by the name of Lynne Knight is living in a bungalow behind a larger house in Torrance, California.
Frank Turek is an award winning author and speaker. We've been told that people who want to maintain the man-woman definition of marriage are "on the wrong side of history." Perhaps so.
The Supreme Court has told us. Five justices imposed their own morality that elevates homosexuality to a virtue in our society.
Sex is the new religion in America, and it's a religion of the sword. That's the real reason this controversy has risen in Indiana.
I grew up on the Jersey shore. Every summer morning I'd see several men combing the beach with metal detectors looking for jewelry and change lost the day before. One lost diamond earring or ring could pay for the metal detector several times over.
The Supreme Court is about to decide if the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution requires the states to redefine marriage to include same sex relationships. There are several reasons why the answer is no.