How to be friendly to people who oppose you politically
A big reason for Americans' aggressive behavior is because their views run deep into what is referred to as "identity politics."
Jason Jimenez is president of Stand Strong Ministries, a faculty member at Summit Ministries, and a best-selling author who specializes in apologetics and biblical worldview training. Check out
A big reason for Americans' aggressive behavior is because their views run deep into what is referred to as "identity politics."
But ask yourself, is avoiding hard conversations with a loved one improving or damaging my relationships?
But no matter what happens after November 3, 2020, I want to remind you of five truths of far greater importance than who is elected to office.
What will the aftermath be after disbanding or abolishing the police in our country? What will be the collateral damage?
Mandela upheld justice and peace for South Africans by working with the very people who devalued him as a human being.
That being the case, there are actually ample legal precedents, and common-sense laws that declare the health and safety of Americans is a priority function of sovereign states.