JB Cachila
3 Tips For Accepting Rebuke From Another Christian
It's always easy to point out someone else's faults, it's not easy to be on the receiving end of it.
What Is The Christian Way To Respond To Criticism
Criticism is a normal part of life, but how should a Christian respond to it?
Lonely And Looking For A Real Friend? Here Are 3 Bible Verses That Will Encourage You
In a broken and hurting world, it's hard to find a friend who's true and willing to sacrifice himself for you. Are you longing for a real friend? Here are some Bible verses that will encourage you.
Is It Wrong To Be A Christian And Feel Comfortable With Where I Am In Life?
Christians are taught not to be comfortable in this world because it brings with it the danger of turning our fiery-hot faith into lukewarm love for Christ. Does this mean it's wrong to feel comfortable? Let's talk about that.
3 Things To Remember If You Are Struggling With Holiness
Holiness is a goal all Christians should be aiming for. Here are some things you must remember if you are struggling to be a holy man or woman for the Lord.
Christian Relationship Advice: When Is The Best Time To Get Married?
Many single Christians are excited for marriage but how do you know if it's the right time to get married? Good question.
Is It Normal For A Christian To Feel Alone?
Is it normal for a Christian to feel lonely even when God has promised to never leave us?
How Should Christians Deal With Rejection By The People They Love? Here Are 5 Bible Verses That Will Encourage You
Rejection wounds us deeply. How should we as Christians deal with it? Here are some verses that will help us deal with it.
Does God Really Care About How I Feel?
Does God really care about how we feel, and will He hear us when we come to Him? Let's talk about that.
Is It OK To Do Things I Don't Approve Of If It's To Reach Out To My Non-Believing Friends?
We are commanded to reach out and preach the Gospel to all creation. Many who do try to reach out, however, find themselves doing things they do not approve of. Is this OK?