Who are the ‘least of these’ and why does it matter?
This passage from Matthew should not be used for virtue signaling, to drum up support for one’s favorite charity, or to promote a government program.
This passage from Matthew should not be used for virtue signaling, to drum up support for one’s favorite charity, or to promote a government program.
Let us divert the streams of billions of years and march with God’s help into Babylon to end the partying of proud scientists drinking the wine of evolution from stolen Christian goblets.
One should consider whether Christians with old-earth views are actually the ones misinterpreting Scripture.
In misguided attempts to remain popular in today’s culture, Christendom has adopted some of the features of both modernism and postmodernism, of both pantheism and Vedanta monism.
As long as we allow our opposition to frame the conflict as “science versus religion,” we will always be on the defensive.