Jordan Ballor

CP Op-Ed Contributor

Powerball Preys on the Poor

Where state governments are supposed to be looking after the welfare of their citizenry, the commonwealth of all the people, the establishment of a lottery has in fact betrayed the citizenry.

Powerball Preys on the Poor

House of Cards Frank Underwood: One Righteous Man

Fans of the critically-acclaimed Netflix original series House of Cards are eagerly awaiting the release of the second season this Friday. Frank Underwood, masterfully played by the award-winning Kevin Spacey, embodies the corruption that so often attends to the pursuit of political power.

House of Cards Frank Underwood: One Righteous Man

Should There Be Rules on Labeling Hate Groups?

When the SPLC makes up a list, its own institutional integrity (or lack thereof) determines the effectiveness of its labeling this or that group as hateful. If groups that have taken it upon themselves to make such determinations cannot tell the difference between activism on behalf of the biblical definition of marriage and the incitement of hatred and violence towards others, then their own institutional credibility suffers.

Christian Giving Begins with the Local Church

If local churches hope to take up their rightful place of priority in their congregation\'s charitable giving, then they will need to show that they are being faithful and obedient stewards of their mandate.

Work and the Two Great Love Commandments

Amid the threat of a \"double-dip\" recession, and the ongoing plight of joblessness across America, this past Labor Day was bittersweet for many.

Missing the Boat on the Tea Parties

There has been good deal of ink, digital or otherwise, spilled over the Tea Party movement in the last few months, and there\'s little sign of abatement anytime soon.