What I've learned from other denominations
We often say "it's about a relationship" and then we don't really live that out. It is a deep relationship and God pours into that relationship if we'll just dig deeper and stay longer with Him.
We often say "it's about a relationship" and then we don't really live that out. It is a deep relationship and God pours into that relationship if we'll just dig deeper and stay longer with Him.
Today we consider the issue of salvation and continuance, or in other words: "Are we once saved always saved?"
It’s cunning in its power, persistent and draining. It saps our zest for life and eats away at our well-being. For many in our high-paced society, this is their daily struggle, as they deal with the various forms and manifestations of mental health issues.
I've seen people make two mistakes when it comes to social media use. One is that people over-utilize social media, they post their problems on social media, they use it for gaining attention, and spend far too much time on it.
Let's talk about social justice. What exactly is social justice? Depending on who you ask you might get any number of definitions. But we see that justice ministry is an important subsector of the historic Christian church, and an important teaching in the pages of the Bible.
Is it possible that we’ve missed the fullness of the narrow way of Christ in our modern day ‘nominal’ Christianity?
How can a Christian live out sexual purity in a relativistic world? And what should Christians believe about issues like sex, gender, and marriage?
Recently in society, particularly in the west, the label of "white privilege" has begun to spread throughout some sectors of society, usually in larger cities. Is this a label and ideology that the Christian church should adopt in fighting racism?
Have you ever noticed how ministries can become politicized over time? It's a real concern in our day and age, where political ideology has the country polarized, that same political activism can push its way into the church.
First of all, let's consider the pressures within the churches right now regarding theology, and the desire to change theology to embrace gay marriage.