Karen Farris

Karen Farris

Op-ed contributor

Karen Farris saw the need to help underserved kids while serving in a youth ministry that gave her the opportunity to visit rural schools on the Olympic Peninsula. She now volunteers her time grant writing to bring resources to kids in need. She also shares stories of faith in action for those needing a dose of hope on her weekly blog, Friday Tidings.www.fridaytidings.com

Rapture Rumors

When rapture and end times rumors come they can make skeptics of Christianity. Instead, let's ignore the rumors and live like Christ suggests.

Rapture Rumors

Instagram Support

Sometimes social media is a random mess, but it can also be where someone reads words to give them "hope to help them cope when they're at the end of their rope."

Instagram Support

God Helps Us With Hard Decisions

Some of the hardest decisions are the ones that change our course of direction. God when God is our navigator, we won't get lost.

God Helps Us With Hard Decisions

Seed of Faith

How a small seed planted in faith can grow stronger.

Seed of Faith

Remembering the 6th Commandment

The American Family Association has a campaign asking families and concerned citizens to have schools declare on their marquees, "You shall not murder".

Remembering the 6th Commandment