As ABC News recently reported, they conducted an exposé of VA hospitals fourteen years ago, and found conditions as bad as or worse than the secret "waiting lists" that have apparently resulted in the deaths of numerous veterans.
Joseph Stiglitz wrote an editorial which appeared in The New York Times on December 21st, in which he remarked with chagrin at what he views as the erosion of trust among Americans. In large part, he ascribed this to a growing economic gap between what is commonly referred to as "the one percent" and the rest of America.
The unveiling of the dictatorial debacle that is Obamacare absolutely flabbergasts me. It is stunning on so many levels, but the most shocking aspect of it for me is watching millions of free Americans stand idly by while this man, his minions in Congress and his cheerleaders in the press systematically dismantle our Constitution, steal our money, and crush our freedoms.
It's official: the Obamacare rollout was an unmitigated, absurdly expensive disaster. When even the administration's biggest fans in the media are forced to admit it, it's so obvious as to be excruciatingly painful.
As the federal government "shuts down," the media are busy doing their usual stellar job of obscuring the facts and shilling for the Democrat Party. According to the typical (*yawn*) media meme, Democrats are trying to preserve civilization, and Republicans want people to die. How often do we have to see this same tired lie play out? Have we forgotten what political leadership looks like?
Contrary to what many on the secular Left would have the world believe, there is abundant proof of the wisdom - and science – behind moral precepts derived from Judeo-Christian principles. Contrast that with the damage that has been wrought by abandonment of those principles.
If you have been paying attention over the past few years, you have probably noticed that it has become fashionable among certain self-appointed elites to sneer at people of faith. Atheists like Richard Dawkins, the late Christopher Hitchens, and even Stephen Hawking have written best sellers in which belief in God is derided as being anti-scientific, a vestigial and bothersome throwback; an unnecessary superstition
It's been a bad few weeks for the Obama administration. But it's been even worse for the President's hardcore advocates in the press, who are struggling to come up with a narrative that reconciles their view of Barack Obama as the Greatest Progressive President ever.
Over the past two weeks, I have paid particular attention to four news stories; Plan B availability, the Audie Pott suicide, Gosnell abortion murder trial and the now-infamous "Lean Forward" ad.