Levi Lusko

Christian Post Contributor

5 Reasons (There Are Many More) On Why I Love to Give

If I could go back in time I would tell a younger version of myself that only having a little to give doesn't let you off the hook either. God expects us to honor Him with what He has entrusted to us and He is able to do a lot with a little. Yes, the amount I would have given (if I had been tithing) would have been a relatively insignificant amount compared to the staggering costs of all these things, but what I would later learn is that giving is less about my money being needed, and more about

5 Reasons (There Are Many More) On Why I Love to Give

I Am Scared of Christmas

For the last year I have been dreading the end of fall because I knew that it would signal the start of the Christmas season. Christmas is always a force to be reckoned with. On a normal year, it approaches with the subtlety and restraint of a runaway locomotive.

I Am Scared of Christmas