Marty Duren

CP Op-Ed Contributor

Infanticide: The Old Barbarism is New Again

Earlier this year the word "infanticide" wormed its way into the national consciousness. A video surfaced of Planned Parenthood spokesperson Lisa Snow advocating for infanticide.

Infanticide: The Old Barbarism is New Again

Religious Liberty as Idolatry?

This has proven a week of historic proportions for the United States Supreme Court. Or, histrionic, depending on whom is asked.

Religious Liberty as Idolatry?

Edward Snowden Does Matter; Really, He Does

In recent weeks the UK Guardian broke wide open a story that had previously lurked in the shadows. No pun intended. Now, Edward Snowden is a household name worldwide.

Edward Snowden Does Matter; Really, He Does

Manly Modesty: Should Men Be Concerned with Clothing Options?

Near the end of my pastoral tenure a shift happened I had never experienced in 20 years of ministry. After a sermon in which I addressed men and lust a woman approached me and asked, "When are you going to start challenging women in this area? Don't you think we struggle with lust, too?"

Manly Modesty: Should Men Be Concerned with Clothing Options?

Natural Disasters: When We Try to Speak for God

Why is calamity, the time we most need God's presence in pain, a time we tend to mouth off? Why, when pain and agony are all around, do we think theological pronouncements are the best response?

Natural Disasters: When We Try to Speak for God

Three Things Christians Should Remember About Public Debate

As cultural debates continue to roll regarding the sanctity of human life, validity of same-sex marriage, the acceptance of infanticide, genetic modification and--coming to a theater near you--whatever is next, it is crystal clear that many self-identified Christians are ill equipped for public debate.

Three Things Christians Should Remember About Public Debate