Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Op-ed Contributor

Dr. Michael Brown (www.askdrbrown.org) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Evangelicals at the Crossroads: Will We Pass the Trump Test? Connect with him on FacebookTwitter, or YouTube.


  • How compromised preaching is contributing to our cultural rot

    How compromised preaching is contributing to our cultural rot

    Or, viewed from another angle, rather than Christian leaders equipping their people to swim against the tide of the culture, they too are being carried by the current of the age. And that, in turn, means that the light is not shining and the salt is not being salty.

  • Your vote can help save or take a baby's life

    Your vote can help save or take a baby's life

    Who can now say, “Well, my vote will not stop abortion?” On the contrary, your vote could help outlaw abortion in your state.

  • When a misguided pastor makes threats about a violent ‘Christian’ insurrection

    When a misguided pastor makes threats about a violent ‘Christian’ insurrection

    What is much more concerning to me is that Pastor Locke also said in his message that he was sick of hearing about January 6, saying, “Let me tell you something. You ain’t seen an insurrection yet.”

  • Baseless hatred is destroying our nation

    Baseless hatred is destroying our nation

    Yet every day, in the most irresponsible ways, political leaders, news outlets, and talking heads in the media are flaming the fires of racial and ethnic hatred. Worse still, many of them are doing this for the purpose of political gain or viewer ratings.

  • We are to be the salt of the earth

    We are to be the salt of the earth

    We can’t fix something else if we ourselves are broken. We can’t prevent the spread of corruption if we ourselves are corrupt. We can’t function as salt if we ourselves have lost our saltiness.

  • The cultural evolution is here, but...

    The cultural evolution is here, but...

    We are seeing Americans across the country saying, “Enough is enough.” But unless this revolution is Gospel-based, it will ultimately fail, and whatever gains are realized will be quickly lost.

  • The Buffalo shooter wanted to murder blacks and Jews, especially Jews

    The Buffalo shooter wanted to murder blacks and Jews, especially Jews

    May we rise up as a nation to condemn these evil acts and to demonstrate tangibly that they represent the sentiments of the tiniest, most demented fringe minority. Not on our soil! Not on our watch!

  • During the abortion debate, don't forget the hurting men, women

    During the abortion debate, don't forget the hurting men, women

    But they are watching the national debate carefully. They are listening to the political leaders who speak out against abortion. They are watching the pro-life Christians who hold up signs in front of the abortion clinics. And they are trembling with fear at what is coming.

  • A friendly word to my ‘cautiously charismatic’ colleagues

    A friendly word to my ‘cautiously charismatic’ colleagues

    Dive in wholeheartedly and without reservation, embrace the true and reject the counterfeit, and be sure to enjoy the ride.

  • Fentanyl is killing our young people

    Fentanyl is killing our young people

    But had I played around with fentanyl the same way I played around with these other drugs I would not be here to tell the story. Instead, I would have left behind a grieving family and never experienced the amazing life God had planned.