Back in 1984, Walt Disney Studios produced a fantasy romantic comedy film about a young man who secretly falls in love with a mermaid. This time, Disney is planning to make a remake of the said 1984 film, with added twists, plus hunk Channing Tatum to be playing the lead role.
After the series that were based on the classic 80s works of Steven Spielsberg, John Carpenter, and Stephen King and has captured the audience in its entire eight-episode series, 'Stranger Things,' is rumored to make a comeback with Season 2.
Harry Potter fans again took the platform 9¾ in entering the wizarding world as Harry Potter and the Cursed Child had its midnight release on July 31, 2016. The 8th Harry Potter series had hit the bookstores again, and with its impressive popularity, fans are now looking forward to a fan-made Harry Potter event, the PotterCon.
In its 9th annual conference, GamesBeat 2016 will be focusing on the virtual reality and augmented reality features that have started to change the traditional platform of mobile and gaming applications. Added to the interest of the event is the participation of the person behind the biggest Pokemon GO game.
Most of us have been completely taken over by the immense popularity of Korean dramas such as Descendants of the Sun and Doctors just recently. This time, fans are yet again preparing themselves for another heart attack-inducing sets of new Korean Dramas expected to be launched soon.
Along with its latest smartphone launch, Xiaomi surprised the audience as they unveil the company's first ever laptop line, the Mi Notebook Air which is said to be a MacBook clone and competitor.
Doctor Strange is finally coming soon, and while many are anticipating for the arrival of the new superhero, star Benedict Cumberbatch talks about his promising role, and even joked about its importance as compared to the Avenger series.
Ever since its reboot announcement, the excitement from Power Rangers fans continue to rise as updates about the upcoming movie reboot is starting to be released. This time, speculations are again starting to grow. Speculations include the presence of Zords in the movie.
The National Hot Dog Day is always one of the best ways to have yourself be indulged with one of the nation's favorite fast food. In this section, we are sharing you the best dining locations to enjoy hotdog eating today. The National Hot Dog day was established for the 14th of July but this year many companies decided to celebrate it on July 23, same as last year.
Rumors about the upcoming China-based smartphone model Xiaomi Redmi Pro's camera has been spreading online. It is said that the new smartphone is going to have a photography effect feature called "Bokeh" effect.