Penny Young Nance and Glorya Taylor Jordan

Special to CP

Nothing cute about 'Cuties'

The clip is reminiscent of footage obtained by undercover journalists of child sex trafficking victims.  Is there nothing Hollywood won’t do to make a buck?

Nothing cute about 'Cuties'

'Woman of the Year' Caitlyn Jenner Has XY Chromosomes and a Penis

Recently Glamour magazine, you know the one that gathers dust in nail salons across America, held their annual Woman of the Year awards ceremony. Drum roll please. … And the 2015 winner is Caitlyn Jenner. (Stunned silence ensues as women all over the nation throw up their hands in surrender.)

'Woman of the Year' Caitlyn Jenner Has XY Chromosomes and a Penis

Kim Davis and Religious Freedom: Chuck Colson Predicted This

Stealth Christianity is certainly what culture and even the US government is pressuring believers to embrace today. County clerks, judges and local officials are confronted with the dilemma today when faced with their entanglement in Supreme Court sanctioned same-sex "marriage." The most public of cases is a Kentucky clerk named Kim Davis.

Kim Davis and Religious Freedom: Chuck Colson Predicted This

Forced Marriages: A Case of 'Happily Never After'

Twenty: the number of minutes that Esther had to meet her husband before she was engaged and married off by her parents. Seventeen: the age that Esther was when she was married.

Forced Marriages: A Case of 'Happily Never After'

'No Gender' December Is Not Positive For Children

Unfortunately, not all mothers are comfortable with the fact that their sons are "Wild at Heart" to quote a popular book. Not every boy is wired the same, but there are certainly some God-given, innate characteristics within most boys that we may not understand, but that we can celebrate and channel into positive, productive purposes.

'No Gender' December Is Not Positive For Children

2014: Evangelicals and the Midterm Elections

While the Republican Party is far from perfect, it is currently the political party that polls show most closely matches the core policy beliefs of values voters: evangelical, "born again" Christians and Catholics. According to pollster George Barna, there are 77 million "born again" evangelical and Catholic voters in the United States, but only about 30.6 million of them voted for Mitt Romney in 2012.

2014: Evangelicals and the Midterm Elections

Two Ten-Dollar Wars on Women

What can you get for $10? In America, you can purchase birth control. In the regions controlled by ISIS, you can purchase a woman.

Two Ten-Dollar Wars on Women