Nothing cute about 'Cuties'
The clip is reminiscent of footage obtained by undercover journalists of child sex trafficking victims. Is there nothing Hollywood won’t do to make a buck?
The clip is reminiscent of footage obtained by undercover journalists of child sex trafficking victims. Is there nothing Hollywood won’t do to make a buck?
Both the left and the right agree that Qassem Soleimani was an evil man responsible for the death of over 600 Americans and countless others.
It is difficult to find words that can adequately sound the alarm of the religious liberty threats we face as a nation. We are getting weaker by the moment on the protection of our “first freedom,” and the opposition gets bolder with every half-hearted attempt, whether by courts or opportunistic politicians, to take the middle ground where none exists.
Sometimes we misinterpret Jesus' familiar call for us to abide in Him found in the 15th chapter of the Gospel according to John. Abiding seems like a tranquil, passive, resting sort of call. The world will hate the call to abide.
The constant cry for justice in our times is tiresome and boring. Like my six-year-old's toy train's sounds, they were cute at first. After a few hours, they're just insufferable.
We concern ourselves here not with the profound truth found in Holy Scriptures, where it tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8), or the glorious definition of it in 1 Corinthians 13, but with today's post-modern idea of love.
The distracted might not notice, having all their energy invested in "progress," but the reality is that we are not "avant-garde," we are ignorant. This includes, perhaps especially, many in the church.
As you will read below, the event was successful on many levels, but I wanted to give you a realistic and brutally honest, thorough assessment. In particular I want to discuss the missing seventh question.
Recently Glamour magazine, you know the one that gathers dust in nail salons across America, held their annual Woman of the Year awards ceremony. Drum roll please. … And the 2015 winner is Caitlyn Jenner. (Stunned silence ensues as women all over the nation throw up their hands in surrender.)
Stealth Christianity is certainly what culture and even the US government is pressuring believers to embrace today. County clerks, judges and local officials are confronted with the dilemma today when faced with their entanglement in Supreme Court sanctioned same-sex "marriage." The most public of cases is a Kentucky clerk named Kim Davis.