In the Bible the archangel Michael is described as God's main weapon in fighting the devil. The source for this story about Michael and Satan fighting over the body of Moses is unclear. Regardless, Jude 9 is another place where we see Michael and the devil squaring off.
Your virtue is your own, says Ezekiel 18:20. Parents will not share in the guilt of their children. Nor will children share in the guilt of their parents. We do have the obligation to train up children in the way they should go. But at the end of the day, a righteous parent will not share in the guilt of an unrighteous child.
People are held in bondage to Satan--human beings are "possessions" in the devil's house--and Jesus breaks in to tie him up and set his hostages free. This emancipation didn't wait for the cross but began at the very start of Jesus' ministry.