I suppose that, in the end, both films describe the other-sex ideal in terms that are similar: Someone eminently desirable who puts my interests over his or her own.
Julie has now put her own subjective evaluation of her limited personal experience over the authority of a clear core value in biblical sexual ethics. Our Lord Jesus himself based his understanding of the essential twoness of the marital bond on the foundation of God's intentional creation of two primary/complementary sexes for marriage, "male and female." Julie now rejects that foundation for sex because, apparently, she knows better than Jesus.
Russell Moore's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission has posted a flawed "Evangelical Declaration on Marriage" entitled "Here We Stand." While I appreciate the effort at getting evangelical leaders to declare affirmation of a male-female requirement for marriage, I think that every evangelical leader who signed this (and there are already quite a few) signed a statement that errs at some points and gives the wrong advice at others.
David Gushee has recast bad scholarship as martyrdom. According to his FB post, there are only two kinds of people in the world: Those who care for same-sex attracted persons and those who don't. He feels that love for same-sex attracted persons demands that we twist Scripture to mean what it can't possibly mean, read in its historical and literary context, so that such persons can now enter into homosexual unions free of any societal reservation or stricture.
Christian singer Vicky Beeching, who disclosed a self-affirmed identity as a lesbian, responded to my article. Put simply, to characterize what I wrote as "psychoanalysis by a stranger" misrepresents what I wrote. It deflects from having to address the real problems with the use of her life story as a basis for distorting Scripture and nature. What I address is the illogic of her presentation.
I had not previously heard of Vicky Beeching but she was celebrated a couple of days ago in a slanted interview from a British newspaper The Independent for "coming out" as a self-affirmed lesbian. Judging from the interview, this attractive and sympathetic 35-year-old remains spiritually impoverished in her theological reasoning.
I urge you to reconsider your decision not to appeal the "gay marriage" ruling by the rogue federal district judge John Jones. I understand that you continue to regard marriage as a union between one man and one woman but believe that an appeal has little chance of success.