Russell D. Moore
Christopher Hitchens Might Be in Heaven
Christopher Hitchens, the world’s most famously caustic atheist, is now dead. Hitchens expected this moment, of course, but he anticipated, wrongly, a blackness, a going out of consciousness forever.
Worry, Anxiety, and the Kingdom of Christ
I was a teenage Satanist. No, I’ve never stood in a pentagram of blood and I’ve never joined a coven.
Women, Stop Submitting to Men
Those of us who hold to so-called “traditional gender roles” are often assumed to believe that women should submit to men. This isn’t true.
What Forgiveness Is and Isn’t
The most difficult math problem in the universe, it turns out, is 70 x 7. Perhaps the hardest thing to do in the Christian life is to forgive someone who has hurt you, often badly. But Jesus says the alternative to forgiving one’s enemies is hell.
Do You Know When You Were Saved?
Many believe if they really have embraced the gospel, they ought to have a moment, a date, they can point to as the instant they passed from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light. Sometimes our churches reinforce this misunderstanding.
Seven Reasons Halloween Judgment Houses Often Miss the Mark
They’re not scary enough. To speak of hell, Jesus used the imagery of a garbage dump overun with worms, a place where babies were once sacrified to demons
Don't Adopt!
If you want your “dream baby,” do not adopt or foster a child: buy a cat and make-believe. Adopting an orphan isn’t ordering a consumer item or buying a pet.
Pat Robertson Responds
Pat Robertson says his comments about divorce and Alzheimer’s disease were “misinterpreted.” The problem is, his clarification doesn’t clarify.
Gospel or Justice, Which?
Some evangelicals talk as though personal evangelism and public justice are contradictory concerns, or, at least, that one is part of the mission of the church and the other isn’t. I think otherwise, and I think the issue is one of the most important facing the church these days.
Christ, the Church, and Pat Robertson
This week on his television show Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson said a man would be morally justified to divorce his wife with Alzheimer’s disease in order to marry another woman. Few Christians take Robertson all that seriously anymore. This is serious, though.