Russell D. Moore

Russell D. Moore

Christian Post Guest Columnist


  • Dungeons and Dragons and Doctrinal Debate

    Dungeons and Dragons and Doctrinal Debate

    All too often, what we want is to be right, rather than to build up one another in the faith.

  • An Open Letter to an Unborn Baby

    An Open Letter to an Unborn Baby

    A young woman will give birth to a little boy, and has made an adoption plan for one couple to become his parents. The pastor asked if I’d write a letter to this boy, for when he’s old enough to start asking questions about his adoption

  • Should We Marry If We're Theologically Divided?

    Should We Marry If We're Theologically Divided?

    In order for a marriage to work, you will have to go into it assuming that the other will never change positions on these things. Now, you probably will grow closer together on these things.

  • Do Our Church Testimonies Empower Satan?

    Do Our Church Testimonies Empower Satan?

    I think personal testimonies, as part of Christian worship, are a good thing to do. And I think we need more of them. I wonder, though, if sometimes our testimonies might unintentionally empower Satan rather than combat him.

  • Immigration and the Gospel

    Immigration and the Gospel

    The Christian response to immigrant communities in the United States cannot be “You kids get off of my lawn” in Spanish.

  • Are You Smarter Than Anthony Weiner?

    Are You Smarter Than Anthony Weiner?

    U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) is in trouble for allegedly sending inappropriate pictures of himself to a woman … via a publicly accessible social media tool. The behavior seems self-evidently self-destructive. So why do they do it?

  • I'm a Complementarian Man With an Egalitarian Wife; Can I Pastor?

    I'm a Complementarian Man With an Egalitarian Wife; Can I Pastor?

    In this universe, I’m a convinced complementarian. I believe the Bible teaches both the equality of the sexes and distinct aspects for the two in some aspects of church and home leadership.

  • Osama Bin Laden and the Terror of Narcissism

    Osama Bin Laden and the Terror of Narcissism

    Osama Bin Laden was wicked. Osama Bin Laden was feared. He was also, it turns out, kind of pathetic.

  • Arousing Ourselves to Death

    Arousing Ourselves to Death

    Like all sin, pornography is by definition a perversion of the good, in this case of the mystery of the male and female together in a one-flesh union.