Sean Phelps

Random People Rate Their Success, Then See How Their Loved Ones Rate Them

We are often very hard on ourselves when it comes to rating whether or not we consider ourselves to be successful. However, others tend to see us much differently. In this touching video, this is especially true. Wait until you see how these people are rated by their loved ones, as compared to how they rated themselves!

Random People Rate Their Success, Then See How Their Loved Ones Rate Them

Man Installs a Brand New Cat Door, but His Cat Couldn't Care Less

Philo is a cat who has a free spirit. He roams around as he pleases and does whatever he wants. His owner is well aware of this and wanted to do something to help ease his cat's travels. But it seems that Philo doesn't need much help at all.

Man Installs a Brand New Cat Door, but His Cat Couldn't Care Less

4-Year-Old Boy Gets Lost on the Field and Ends Up Scoring at a Rugby Match

For many children living overseas, being able to play rugby with the pros is equivalent to playing with NFL athletes in the U.S. Playing professional rugby alongside your sports heroes is a dream that most will sadly never realize. One 4-year-old, however, got the ruby experience of a lifetime!

4-Year-Old Boy Gets Lost on the Field and Ends Up Scoring at a Rugby Match