Gen Z sours on social media is good news
There’s also something innately unhealthy about these platforms, especially for the young.
There’s also something innately unhealthy about these platforms, especially for the young.
If our society continues to refuse to address this now obvious and manifest fact, more vulnerable people will suffer unnecessarily.
Christians are people called to celebrate what’s good and restore what’s broken in the world. Friendship is one of those goods, and its decline has left people broken.
In the end, the prevention and disposal of babies becomes a kind of political sacrament, celebrated to a cartoonish degree.
Cultural Christianity recognizes that the blessings of a Christian worldview do extend beyond the community of actual believers.
It’s refreshing and encouraging to see Richard Dawkins ask a question like this, with this much apparent humility.
There is a real opportunity this fall, when schools start again, for Christians, who understand the truth about who we are, to reclaim what education truly is.
Whatever the causes are, leaving the Church and becoming more progressive has not served women well.
A recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that support for same-sex “marriage” dropped by at least two points last year.
The liberal Methodists of North America have now virtually guaranteed their denomination’s extinction.