The advantages of Cyber Monday over Black Friday are clear: no crowds, no noise, and no waiting in line in the November cold for shopping web-exclusive highly discounted goods.
Wireless carriers are coming out with offers hard to ignore during the start of this holiday shopping season; deals all the more pronounced under the occasion of Cyber Monday, the "Black Friday" for online shopping.
With reports on the number of malware software reaching alarming figures and growing at exponential rates throughout the Android platform, users of the most popular mobile operating system may start feeling concerned about this growing epidemic.
According to a recent survey released by Nielsen, the most desired electronics for the 2011 holiday season excluding Apple products include computers, e-readers, smartphones, gaming consoles and TV sets.
As people get ready for Black Friday and the shopping season, it would be wise to plan not only the spending budget but also a most desired presents list to avoid giving an unwanted gift.
Kobo is aiming to gain a larger market share in the e-reading business this season as it launches its $99 Kobo Touch in two or three weeks, the company's website has reported.
The software Apple promised would fix all the battery-draining bugs in its new iPhone 4S has failed to do just that; at least from the consumer's point of view.
While many users fancy over possessing Apple's newest product, the iPhone 4S, some others are frowning over what is apparently crippling their user experience on a device that has already sold 4 million units: short battery life.