Thom S. Rainer

Thom S. Rainer

Op-ed Contributor

7 Potentially Deadly Church Sicknesses

For the past two years, I have been monitoring the comments and challenges mentioned by church leaders. I am attempting to answer the question: What is hindering many of our churches from achieving health and vitality?

7 Potentially Deadly Church Sicknesses

5 Dangers of Church Designated Funds

Designated funds given to the church by a single or a few members with guidelines not approved by the church can be dangerous in end.

5 Dangers of Church Designated Funds

The Dangers of Echo Chamber Leadership

We leaders often enjoy the affirmation and adulation of others as we express our ideas, provide direction and set future courses. And we sometimes enjoy it so much that we only want people to agree with us and affirm us, even if we are wrong. It's called echo chamber leadership.

The Dangers of Echo Chamber Leadership