
Archbishop slams Catholic leaders for allowing ‘heresy, sodomy and corruption’ to run rampant

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio of the United States, reads the Apostolic Mandate during the Installation Mass of Archbishop Blase Cupich at Holy Name Cathedral, November 18, 2014, in Chicago.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Apostolic Nuncio of the United States, reads the Apostolic Mandate during the Installation Mass of Archbishop Blase Cupich at Holy Name Cathedral, November 18, 2014, in Chicago. | Getty Images/Charles Rex Arbogast

Roman Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, a prominent critic of Pope Francis, has accused a group of Church leaders of subverting the Church from within by allowing "heresy, sodomy and corruption" to run rampant. 

In a recent interview with Vatican expert Marco Tosatti, the 79-year-old Vigano elaborated further on what he sees as the "deep church."

Vigano, who previously served as the Vatican's ambassador to the United States in one of the top diplomatic positions, first coined the phrase "deep church" in a June letter to President Donald Trump in which he described it as “mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves.”

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According to Vigano, there's an effort by the leadership of the Catholic Church, including the pope, to downplay the role of sodomy and homosexual behaviors in the sexual abuse of minors.

Throughout the interview, Vigano referred to Pope Francis by his given name of Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

“For Bergoglio and his entourage, sodomy is not a sin that cries out for vengeance in the presence of God, as the Catechism teaches," Vigano said. "Bergoglio’s words on this topic — and even more the actions and words of those who surround him — unfortunately, confirm that an operation of legalization of homosexuality is currently underway and that prelates and theologians are carrying this discussion forward who have manifested without equivocation that they are unfaithful to Catholic teaching."

After declaring that a "gay lobby" — consisting of now defrocked Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Cardinal Joseph Tobin and others — has infiltrated the Catholic Church, Vigano spoke of “another interest of a political nature.” He alleges the interest can explain the Catholic church’s response to McCarrick, who faced allegations of sexual abuse. 

Vigano quoted from an article in Church Militant that alleged that “Francis unshackled him [McCarrick] from Benedict-imposed restrictions just weeks after becoming pope.”

“Sources in China … show that McCarrick may have been instrumental in working out the ongoing secret payments of billions of dollars from the Chinese communists to Francis’ Vatican,” Church Militant claimed.

Vigano alleged that it was hardly a coincidence that the Vatican remained silent when China “ordered Christian villagers to renounce their faith and worship the nation’s Communist Party leaders instead.”  

The implication from Vigano was that “a secret agreement made between the Holy See and Beijing” explains the Vatican’s decision to remain “silent on the human rights violations perpetrated by the regime.”

Vigano added that he remains pessimistic as to whether Catholics worldwide will ever learn the whole truth about McCarrick.

McCarrick, who served as archbishop of Washington, D.C., has faced a multitude of sexual abuse allegations dating back half a century when he allegedly grabbed the genitals of a teenage boy on two occasions.

While multiple priests and seminarians have accused McCarrick of predatory sexual behavior over the years, most of those accusations were ignored.

The dynamics of McCarrick's situation changed considerably in 2018 when an investigation conducted by the Archdiocese of New York deemed allegations against McCarrick to be credible. McCarrick resigned from the College of Cardinals that summer and the pope placed him in seclusion for a "life of prayer and penance."

The Vatican laicized McCarrick in early 2019, stripping him of his clerical status. 

“Let’s not forget that the legitimization of homosexuality is part of the agenda of the New World Order — to which the Bergoglian church adheres openly and unconditionally — not only for its destabilizing value in the social body but also because sodomy is the principal instrument with which the Enemy intends to destroy the Catholic priesthood, corrupting the souls of the Ministers of God,” Vigano said. “For this reason, at least as far as what seems possible, the entire truth about McCarrick will never officially come to light.”

Vigano concluded the interview with Tosatti by calling for action from the “sons of light” to expose “the complicities and crimes of those who make war on the Good so as to establish the New World Order.”

In May, Vigano penned a document titled the “Appeal for the Church and the World to Catholics and all people of good will." In the appeal, he criticized the restrictions on religious services during the coronavirus pandemic. He also warned of a “world government beyond all control” and “an odious technological tyranny.”

Vigano caused a stir in the global Catholic community in 2018 by publishing an 11-page letter calling on Pope Francis to resign and accusing the pontiff of covering for McCarrick. The Vatican responded to Vigano’s allegations by calling them “monstrous” and “blasphemous.”

In 2019, the Vatican held a global summit focusing on the need to combat the sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic church. The summit featured about 200 leaders from across the world.

During his introductory remarks at the summit, Pope Francis implored leaders to find ways to fight “this evil afflicting the Church and humanity.”  However, critics contend that the Vatican still has not done enough to halt clergy sexual abuse since the summit. 

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