Being Alone With God
Is it possible to actually avoid God while submerging ourselves in spiritual disciplines and Christian activities? I believe it is.
I have this bad habit of running to good habits when I sense the Lord leading me to dwell quietly with him for a while. You see, reading big chunks of the Bible comes easy to me. Studying various theological topics comes easy to me. Engaging in thoughtful conversation about the gospel with other believers comes easy to me. Serving in the church comes easy to me. But just sitting still in the presence of God, pondering all that he is as I commune with him through the Spirit — not so easy.
I describe the previously listed activities as "good habits" because they really are good habits. Reading the Bible, studying theology, fellowshipping with other saints, and serving in the local church are holy, righteous, and indispensable elements of following Christ. However, there are other elements of the Christian life that are of equal and vital importance — personal fellowship with God being one.