
'Better Call Saul' Season 2: Plot to Take a Darker Turn as Jimmy Arrives at Crossroads

"Better Call Saul" season 2 will showcase bigger and darker happenings as Jimmy McGill will finally decide on his next step and will welcome Saul Goodman.

Last week, AMC released a promotional clip teasing what lies ahead in "Better Call Saul" season 2. The promo clip also contains interviews with show creator Vince Gilligan and main stars Bob Odenkirk and Jonathan Banks, according to Digital Trends.

Although the promo does not reveal the extent that the persona of Goodman will reach in "Better Call Saul" season 2, it gives a sneak peek into Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman's (Odenkirk) relationship with Kim (Rhea Seehorn).

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In one of the interview clips, Seehorn explains that both Jimmy and her character will be very good at hiding their true selves. However, they will drop all pretension when they are with each other, the report details.

In season 2, viewers will find out how Jimmy and Mike (Banks) will start working regularly. They will also see what Jimmy's brother, Chuck (Michael McKean), will do to hold him back. Chuck may be the real antagonist in the show's next installment and it remains to be seen if his continuous sabotage will permanently damage his relationship with his brother, Vine Report says.

AMC also released another promo titled "Crossroads," which shows Jimmy driving up to a fork in the road. Because both roads look equally desolate, he will drive straight through the sign toward the edge of a cliff. This most probably signifies that he is ready to transform into Saul Goodman, the report relays.

The second season of "Better Call Saul" is among the shows chosen to be screened during the Berlin Film Festival in February, the report adds.

"Better Call Saul" season 2 premieres in the United States on Feb. 15 on AMC. The series will later on be released worldwide via Netflix.

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