John MacArthur's 'Grace To You' Now Broadcast to Muslim World
Renowned preacher and author John MacArthur opened the four-day “Truth Matters” conference Thursday evening by announcing that his evangelistic television program began satellite TV broadcasting to the entire Muslim world for the first time that afternoon.
The TV program, “Grace To You,” also a global media ministry based in Panorama City, Calif., is a series of Bible studies led by MacArthur that were launched as audio-taped sermons more than 42 years ago.
MacArthur is the main speaker at the conference held at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, Calif. The event, which ends Sunday, is webcast live for free at
“There I am, preaching with Arabic subtitles on satellite television in 72 countries in North Africa, Europe and the Middle East,” MacArthur told the more than 3,500 at the conference and those watching on the Internet. “So, we are really grateful that the Lord opened up that opportunity for us. We just send the word out and let the Lord do what He will with it.”
He also announced that in a few months, the MacArthur Study Bible will be released in the Arabic language.
“I can tell you that it appears to be accurate,” he said, greeted with laughter.
The conference includes traditional gospel music performed by a large choir and musicians. MacArthur’s teaching is categorized by his ministry as “unleashing God’s truth one verse at a time.”
MacArthur, who is the author of more than 150 books, including The Gospel According to Jesus, began the evening by explaining the conference theme.
“It’s called ‘Truth Matters’ because truth matters more than anything else in the universe,” MacArthur said. “Divine truth is the most important thing there is. By it we are saved, sanctified, and given the hope of glory. By it we understand what God requires of us. Therefore, we understand what we are to obey and what we are to be. That is the path to blessing in life and reward in eternity. So, truth matters more than anything else."
“God is true. Scripture says let every man be a liar, but God is true. God cannot lie. Christ is the truth. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth and scripture says in John 17:17 that Jesus is truth,” he said.
“The Bible, of course, is true. It contains the truth about the true God, the true Christ, and the true Holy Spirit. It contains everything we need to know and it is an inexhaustible resource for the truth,” he added.
The conference theme also follows the Gospel According to Paul, a book MacArthur said he plans to finish writing and publish.
MacArthur, 72, acknowledged by Christianity Today as one of the most influential preachers of his time, was a frequent guest of the Larry King Live cable news show to provide an evangelical Christian perspective.