Lila Rose calls on lawmakers to help make America 'a friendlier place for families'
While Rose and others in the pro-life movement are working to expand their advocacy on behalf of women and children, the advocates are continuing to focus on the “abortion abolition” they have long championed. “We’re working with legislators across the country on strengthening pro-life protections, protections for pre-born children and abortion abolition because half-measures in a post-Roe America are not enough,” she said.
“Because Roe’s been overruled, we now have the opportunity to secure complete legal protection,” Rose declared. “That shouldn’t just be duked out state by state. That should be seen as a federally protected right. The 14th Amendment promises equal protection under the law for all. It says that ‘No state can deprive the life of any person without due process,’ and there’s no due process for the child” even though “they are humans just like you and me.”
Efforts to enact pro-life legislation at the state level faced a major setback earlier this month when Kansas voters rejected a constitutional amendment that would have declared that the state’s constitution doesn't contain the right to an abortion. Rose attributed the ballot measure's defeat to “the way the amendment was worded,” which she described as “very confusing.”
“Live Action was in Kansas trying to reach voters with the truth about abortion but we were outspent by millions on the pro-abortion side. So I think Kansas is a signal to our movement that we have to double down in funding and fighting state-by-state for voter education. Because when voters are educated again on the extremism of the Democrats’ position and educated on the horror of abortion and the harm of the abortion industry, many vote for life.”
Going forward, Rose sees abortion as a “winning issue” for the pro-life movement because “the Democrats’ abortion position is profoundly unpopular with most of America.” She identified that position as “abortion on demand through all nine months for any reason,” which she sees as a contrast to the views of a large majority of Americans who “want abortion restrictions.”
Rose emphasized that future pro-life victories are contingent upon the topic of abortion being “properly messaged” with a focus on the “extremist” and “pro-abortion platform of the Democratic Party.”
Rose explained that “the single most impactful tool to educate people with is to actually show them what abortion is.” She pointed to education about “the destruction of an abortion procedure, what it does to that developing human life, and learning about what that abortion procedure does to dismember that child, to suction that child to death, to give that child lethal injection if he or she is in the second trimester or older” as one of the most effective ways to change someone’s mind if they are pro-choice on the issue of abortion.
“There’s a lot more to be done beyond that: Educating about human development, educating about the harm of abortion to women and the harm of the abortion industry in our communities and the way that they prey on vulnerable women and families, there’s a ton of education to do. But I think the education has to start with the humanity of the child and what the brutality of abortion actually entails for the destruction of that child … how abortion is a brutal act that destroys a human life.”
Rose also expressed concerns about the “tremendous censorship of the pro-life mission” and “tremendous pro-abortion media bias.” Most notably, Rose had her TikTok account permanently suspended as the social media platform prevented Live Action from engaging in any advertising on the site.
Rose spoke out in favor of working to “make the case to the business community and to these companies that shutting down facts about abortion, that picking sides in the abortion debate and giving the upper hand to pro-abortion groups is unfair and it’s bad for business.”
— Lila Rose (@LilaGraceRose) August 4, 2022
My account (@lilaroselife) has been BANNED from @tiktok_us and @liveaction has been BANNED from advertising.
This extreme political bias by Tiktok is a blatant double standard and places the lives of children in danger.
“I don’t think we should give up on the tech world. I think we should be calling for better and for reform and for the proper application of their standards or of their policies instead of having double standards and treating, penalizing pro-life groups because of political bias.”
Ryan Foley is a reporter for The Christian Post. He can be reached at: [email protected]