What to Do About a Church Disrupter?
He is almost in every church.
In fact, the "he" may be a "she," but I'll use the masculine pronoun for simplicity.
He is the church disrupter. Unlike church bullies, the disrupter rarely attacks leaders directly. He is good about stirring up dissension, but he seems to always feel like "God led me to do it." He can have a gregarious and pleasant personality (unlike the typical church bully), and can thus attract a following for a season.
The disrupter is just that. He disrupts the unity of the church. He disrupts the outward focus of the church. And he disrupts the plans of church leadership. So what are some key traits to watch in church disrupters? Here are six:
Read more at: http://www.christianpost.com/news/6-traits-of-a-church-disrupter-197629/