3 Christians subjected to physical, psychological torture in Iran
Three Christians in Iran were tortured before their release on bail on Nov. 17 amid charges of propagating religion contrary to Islam, a religious rights group reported.
The Christian Post
Skip to main contentThree Christians in Iran were tortured before their release on bail on Nov. 17 amid charges of propagating religion contrary to Islam, a religious rights group reported.
World War II ended almost 80 years ago, and yet, amazingly, Jews are being persecuted in some parts of Europe in earnest again.
At least two young Christian girls have been abducted and abused in Pakistan within the last three months, sparking concerns over the vulnerability of minority girls and the barriers to justice they face.
A court in Pakistan on Friday returned custody of a 16-year-old Christian girl to her parents after a Muslim man had kidnapped and forcibly converted and married her, sources said.
Let’s explore how to befriend Muslims and share your faith with them.
A convert from Islam in Somalia who was attacked in May and July was again assaulted on Oct. 5 after Muslim relatives suspected him of leading Christian prayer meetings, he said.
This passage from Matthew should not be used for virtue signaling, to drum up support for one’s favorite charity, or to promote a government program.