Billy Hallowell
World's bestselling New Age author left it all behind for Christ: 'I was being used by the devil'
Once upon a time, Doreen Virtue was one of the most well-known figures in the New Age movement. She was a successful author and purveyor of “angel cards,” an occultic tool, until she had a stunning awakening in 2017 that imploded her worldview and led her to embrace Christ.
‘Jesus is coming back’: What drives biblical End Times intrigue?
What drives intrigue in the biblical end of days?
Too much 'fluff?' 'Outspoken Christian' Bear Grylls on the state of the Western Church
TV host and author Bear Grylls is known for his adventurous pursuits, but the media figure is also a Christian who openly shares his faith
‘God has your back’: Actor Neal McDonough talks new End Times film, standing strong for his faith
Actor Neal McDonough has starred in no shortage of Hollywood films and TV shows, but his latest project, “Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist,” is truly unique.
‘A house of demons’: Ex-psychic reveals scary reality of occult, how Jesus broke through the darkness
An ex-psychic recently discussed the “huge consequences” and terror she faced while engaging in the occult for decades.
Is Congress Christian? Politicians' religious beliefs vs. the general public (and why it matters)
Is Congress Christian? A recent Pew Research Center study explores the religious composition of the 118th Congress — and the findings are pretty stunning.
What’s fueling deconstruction? Why some are fleeing Christianity
“Deconstruction” has become a buzzword in Christian and secular communities, with the concept meaning different things to different people and, in turn, sparking no shortage of controversy.
'Orwellian Newspeak': Inside CP's refusal to bow down to Twitter's demands
For months, The Christian Post was precluded from using Twitter after the social media platform accused the news outlet of violating its standards with a tweet about U.S. Assistant Secretary for Health Rachel Levine, a man who identifies as a woman.
'The Inside Story' on Elon Musk's complex persona: Hell, Twitter and the 'Devil's Champion' costume
Christian Post reporter Ian M. Giatti joins this week’s "The Inside Story" podcast to break down the ins and outs of Elon Musk.
Apologist dismisses biblical critics’ claims, details proof for the virgin birth
Jason Jimenez, an apologist and host of the “Challenging Conversations” podcast, recently commenced an episode of his show with a fascinating question: How many of you believe in the virgin birth?