Christopher Benek
Stephen Hawking Is Wrong About the End of the World
Stephen Hawking may be an extraordinary theoretical physicist and cosmologist, but he is a misguided futurist.
Why the March for Science Should Concern Christians
Christians should be concerned by the recent international March for Science that happened this past April.
Pokémon GO Proves Congress Needs to Establish Augmented Reality Property Rights
With the massive success of mobile game Pokémon GO there is no question that augmented reality is here to stay. Newzoo recently reported that, months after its launch, over 700,000 people a day are still downloading the game.
Christians Should Stop Belittling Donald Trump
But when we lose compassion for other human beings, when we stop being intentional about going after the lost, we are sacrificing individual and collective pieces of our humanity and we are exchanging them for evil.
What If Everything We Call 'Natural' Is Actually 'Technological'?
Christianity is desperately in need of an updated technological hermeneutic. Proof of this assertion arises in the fact that a lot of the anti-religion tech crowd believes that emerging technology will be the end of Christianity.
Aliens Play a Part in God's Plan for Us
Most Christians I know believe in extraterrestrial aliens. The accounts of such beings in our sacred texts are frequent and have been recorded my numerous sources. What most people fail to consider is how aliens will play a role in our coming eschatological future.
How Gene Editing Will Modify the Christian Concept of Spiritual Gifts
Following the recent historic International Summit on Human Gene Editing, held in Washington DC, it has become clear that humanity is on the verge of experiencing a radical technological transformation that will challenge our preconceptions as to what it means to be human.
Why Christians Should Support Scientists and Technologists
It is often articulated in society that Christianity and science/technology are at odds. While most people of faith do not hold this belief, it is imperative that the church universal continue to dispute this negative stereotype.
Churches Should Prepare for When Robots Take People's Jobs
In the next 20 years intelligent machines will eliminate a large percentage of human jobs.
Artificial Intelligence Will One Day Lead People to New Levels of Holiness
There is a great debate happening around the world regarding the future of Artificial Intelligence. Some people believe that AI will bring forth the end of humanity. Others fear that robots simply won't have humanity's best interest in mind.