Chuck Colson
Gay Rights and Freedom of Religion
Certainly our freedom of religion can’t be trumped by the right “to love the way you want to.” Can it?
Marking 39 Years of Roe v. Wade
Even though there’s a long way to go, 2011 was a great year for the pro-life movement. I’ll explain why.
Moral Relativism and Education
As the Professor said in the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, “I wonder what they do teach them at these schools."
Renewable Energy and the Poor
Did you know that going “green” can also be an effective way to help the poor?
Cult of Celebrity Seeps Into Church
Our culture doesn’t know the difference between a celebrity and a hero. Does the Church?
Signposts to God
What do universal human experiences tell us about humans? More importantly, what do they point to?
Sex-Selection Abortion in the US
If a woman is forced into an abortion by her husband, is she really exercising her “right to choose”?
The Ridiculousness of Relativism
As another bizarre news story shows, when put to the test, moral relativists can’t cling to their views.
Tebow: Most Divisive Athlete?
Squeaky-Clean. A proven winner. America should love this guy. Except he has one major flaw.
Won't We Ever Learn?
What did we learn from earlier attempts to play God? The honest answer is “be more (careful and ) discrete.”