JB Cachila
3 Bible Verses that Speak of God's Unfailing Love When We're Down
To help you go on and trust God as you go through difficult times, here are some Bible verses that speak of His unfailing and ever-present love.
Why It's Hard to Walk by Faith and Not by Sight
Why is it so hard to walk by faith and not by sight? Let's talk about that.
3 Reasons Why we Shouldn't Blame Others for Our Mistakes
People love to avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes and quickly point their fingers to another. Here are some reasons why we shouldn't do that.
3 Bible Figures Who Had Revolutionary Ministries Despite Being Opposed Big Time
Opposition is common to all who do the will of God. Here are some Bible figures who faced much opposition as they did what God wanted them to do.
Should Women be Allowed to Lead in the Church?
Should women be allowed to assume leadership positions in church? Let's talk about that.
Should Christians Believe in Karma?
Is karma Biblical? Should Christians believe in it? Of course not - and here are the reasons why.
3 Ways Christians Give the Devil a Foothold in Their Lives
The Bible tells us that we should never give the devil a foothold. Here are some ways to do that.
Fulfilling Marriages: 3 Things Husbands Need to Learn
Here are some important things husbands should keep in mind as they work for their marriages.
What We Can Learn From The Time Peter Walked On Water
What does Peter's walk-on-water experience teach us? Here some things to learn from his experience.
What To Do With Your Secret Sins, The Ones You Don't Feel Able To Confess Before Others?
Secret sins are like tumors or cancers that eat away at a person's life. How does one deal with them, especially if they're the shameful types?