Mark Creech

Mark Creech

Op-ed Contributor


  • Revelation 2: The church that stood for what is right, but needed love

    Revelation 2: The church that stood for what is right, but needed love

    We must be immovable and unchangeable in all things eternal, even when others cannot understand and reject us. But if such acts are not done out of zealous love for God, love for each other, and love for those who are spiritually blind and headed for hell, our efforts will ring hollow.

  • Let's not walk on eggshells in addressing school shootings

    Let's not walk on eggshells in addressing school shootings

    One brave Chicago alderman, Ray Lopez, has called ‘the borderline collapse of the family unit in many neighborhoods’ and the effects of ‘generational gang life.’

  • Do you believe in miracles?

    Do you believe in miracles?

    Don’t allow unbelief or doubts about miracles to become a stumbling block to your faith. If you believe in God, it sensibly follows you should believe in his omnipotent power. “With God, all things are possible,” said Jesus.

  • The true nature of freedom and the means for sustaining it

    The true nature of freedom and the means for sustaining it

    Human beings are made for a personal relationship with God. God created us in his own image. In other words, human beings find their destiny, their purpose, their meaning, and true liberty in love for God and their neighbor.

  • Inhumane: Maryland bill allows killing babies up to 1 month after birth

    Inhumane: Maryland bill allows killing babies up to 1 month after birth

    Who would dream someone would have the audacity to propose such barbarity into law? Yet this is what great minds have been telling us for decades about where the legalization of abortion was bound to take us.

  • Andy Stanley’s tweet about the Bible is seductive and harmful

    Andy Stanley’s tweet about the Bible is seductive and harmful

    It should trouble us greatly anytime someone holds a different view of the Written Word than the one held by the Living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ. It ultimately leads to making our own opinions, beliefs, and experiences the authority rather than God’s revelation.

  • Is it a sin to buy a lottery ticket, make a sports bet, spend a little at the casino?

    Is it a sin to buy a lottery ticket, make a sports bet, spend a little at the casino?

    Is it a sin to buy a lottery ticket? What about making a bet at a casino – so long as it's a budgeted amount of money and made responsibly? How about dropping a sports bet? Is it a sin to gamble?

  • What many women desperately need to hear from the pulpit

    What many women desperately need to hear from the pulpit

    But she said to me with great emotion: "Thank you for telling women that God will forgive them for their abortion. Sometimes I think we give them the impression they are automatically damned to hell. They need to hear that Christ will forgive them of anything."

  • The travesty of unwanted children

    The travesty of unwanted children

    That young girl’s testimony begs the question: Is the solution of not having the prospect of a good life reason enough to take away the only life one has? Absolutely not, life itself is always too precious, and the value of a child’s life is priceless.

  • How to defeat the suicidal state of mind

    How to defeat the suicidal state of mind

    These were the first steps in purging my tortured soul. Nothing about the healing was immediate. It took time. But the light did come back into my life brighter than ever before.