Stephanie Samuel
Military Chiefs Ask Lawmakers to Delay DADT Repeal
Military chiefs testified for a delay in the repeal of "don\'t ask, don\'t tell," citing possible disruption to its current combat in Afghanistan.
Calif. Judge Refuses to Bow Out of Prop. 8 Appeals Panel
A California federal judge has refused to recuse himself from the legal proceedings surrounding Proposition 8 despite his connections to an organization that opposes the traditional definition of marriage.
Groups to Press Obama to Defend Iraqi Christians
A coalition of faith and cultural groups are planning a Saturday protest in Washington, D.C., to urge the president to take action on behalf of Iraqi Christians.
Late-Term Abortionist Moves to Maryland
Late-term abortionist Le Roy Carhart is set to open a new clinic in Germantown, Md., on Monday. Maryland is also ranked fifth in its nationwide evaluation of women\'s reproductive rights.
Liberty U's Health Care Lawsuit Heads to Appeals Court
Liberty University\'s challenge to the health care reform bill was dismissed Tuesday in a district court. It is now expected to be heard by the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Americans Prefer 'Merry Christmas' to 'Happy Holidays'
A majority of Americans prefer stores using \"Merry Christmas\" as its holiday greeting, according to a Rasmussen Reports survey. Liberty Counsel President Mathew Staver stressed, \"People enjoy Christmas."
Faith Groups Join with Senators to Fix Unemployment
Interfaith justice groups are joining with U.S. Senators to lobby against unemployment as millions of jobless claims are scheduled to expire just before Christmas.
Conservatives Warn: DADT Repeal Likely to Hurt Morale, Recruitment
A coalition of conservatives and retired military men urged Congress to consider morale and retention in a volunteer military before rushing to vote on the repeal of \"don\'t ask, don\'t tell.\"
First Lady Enlists Faith Community to Take on Hunger, Obesity
The first lady launched an interfaith effort on Monday to take on childhood obesity alongside the White House healthy kids initiative "Let\'s Move!"
Critics: DADT Report Glossed Over Soldiers' Fears of an Open Military
Conservatives have criticized the Department of Defense report, released on the eve of today's congressional hearing, for "glossing over" soldiers' apprehensions and skirting the issue.