Biden's mental fitness: Who knew what, and when did they know it?
President Biden’s cognitive decline has caught many Americans by surprise, even as a shock. Why?
GOP, please don't betray your own platform
Democrats are the Pro-Abortion Party. Republicans are the Anti-Abortion Party. Yet some forces want to blur those lines.
Where did this faith come from?
Maybe as you read these words you are experiencing your own lapse of faith. It’s okay. It’s no disgrace.
Dealing with cosmic tyrants
Sooner or later, His justice hammer falls on both the invisible cosmic tyrants and their in-the-flesh pawns.
Intensifying debate: Bible and religion in public schools
You should never want the state to be deciding what is the correct understanding of religion.
Why you exist according to ChatGPT
ChatGPT includes God as one of the possibilities for why you and I exist. And, amazingly, it includes the other 3 possibilities as well.
Making sense of new Louisiana Ten Commandment law: Display vs. recitation
Are these claims true? Most Baptists and many other evangelicals supported the decision to ban required non-denominational prayer by school officials.
Why I'm passionate about reaching youths for Jesus
When we look at what is going on in our culture and watch the media, it is a reminder that this generation has fewer and fewer credible opportunities to hear and receive the gospel.
The devastating price of false worship
What does a depraved mind look like?
John Leland: American patriot and First Amendment hero
Leland, well-known during his lifetime, has faded in the nation’s memory in the last two centuries. However, he was an active participant in two of the most important religious liberty events in the nation’s early history.