Amanda Winkler
Occupy Mov't 101: Tea Party vs. OWS (Part 3)
The Occupy Wall Street movement has often been labeled as the left’s answer to the conservative grassroots movement, the Tea Party, that sprung up in 2009. However, both the Tea Party and Occupiers largely detest being compared with one another. Is this a fair perception? Is it really red versus blue, Republican versus Democrat, the preppie kid versus the hipster?
Obama's Report Card: Polls Reveal a Barely Passing Grade
In a recent CNN poll, President Obama’s approval rating remains steady overall. But there has been some decrease among Democrats when asked if they would support Obama for re-election.
Occupy Mov't 101: What Political Thought Shapes the Protests? (Part 2)
With the Occupy movement taking over more of the American dialogue, many onlookers are beginning to ask the question: what political thought drives these protests? There has been a lot of discussion by political pundits describing the movement as either Marxist or libertarian.
Ore. Governor Abolishes Death Penalty
Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber has declared the abolishment of the death penalty for the remainder of his term in office. Kitzhaber announced on Tuesday that he is morally opposed to capital punishment
Will Baggage Fees Be Waived for Airline Travel?
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) has introduced a couple pieces of legislation that would attempt to make airline travel less of a headache for passengers and lighter on their wallets, just in time for the holiday season.
Mitt Romney's Evolving Attitude Toward Women
Women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are speaking out about GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney's attitude toward women, asserting that Romney has changed over decades from open skepticism about the role of women in the LDS Church to a kind of modest support.
Occupy Mov't 101: Who Are They? (Part 1)
After two months of occupying Wall Street, protesters across the country have begun to occupy the conversation that Americans are having regarding the current economic state of the country. However, many people are still unsure as to who the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protesters are, and what exactly it is they want. As the protests spread across the country, it is important for the general population to have a full understanding of this grassroots movement.
Michigan Congressman Charged With Sex Abuse
Michigan Democratic Congressman Dale Kildee is denying charges that he sexually abused his cousin more than 50 years ago.
Ala. Immigration Law Gets A Second Look
Many southern states have joined Arizona in passing anti-immigration legislation. Alabama’s HB56, which was passed in June, went into effect on Sept. 1 of this year. However, the bill is being met with stark conflict as a delegation of 10 U.S. House members paid a visit to the state’s capital in order to push for the bill’s repeal.
Cain Receives Secret Service Protection
It was announced Thursday that GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain will be the first Republican contender this election cycle to receive such a high level of protection from the U.S. Secret Service. He is only the 12th presidential candidate overall to receive such protection during the campaign process.